Monday, July 27, 2009

President in cheif, or sitcom host?

It amazes me the time that our President spends on the leisurely things that happen in the U.S on everyday matters. As I'm reading about the "racist" Massachusetts cop that arrested a black Harvard professor earlier this week. As I read the article with the target audience of 32-40 average intelligence white angry male that believes there are better things to be focusing if you’re the President, I could only ask myself one question. Has it become fair game to pull out the race card for any matter now? I think the officer did exactly what he should have done in this matter. The police get a call of a possible break in, they respond; find a black male trying to push open a door and ask him to identify himself. The man refuses to I.D himself in anyway, and them starts giving the police a difficult time? WTF! I would have thought a professor of Harvard to be a smarter man, but I guess they don't teach how to speak to authorities with loaded guns in Harvard anymore... Or how the highest office in America to STFO a local matter, after 9/11 there are two things that I know you never mess with, one being the fire department, and the other officers of the law. So for the president of the United States to make a comment about an entire cities law enforcement to have "acted stupidly" throws himself under the bus on this one. I would have hoped that our President would have more important things to be concerned with, maybe the Middle East? Korea? Economy? Sad days loom for the U.S if our president can't focus on the bigger picture.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mr. President, you dress like a girl...and throw like one.

So I don't know how many of you watched the MLB All Star game last week, but our commander in chief was set to throw out the first pitch, sadly, I think he showed up to the wrong game as US men’s ASA slow pitch team was playing Canada this weekend. But more interesting than the state of the economy, or the high rate of unemployment that is sweeping over the country, Obamas' choice of clothing is more important to questionable new agencies. His mommy jeans were almost as interesting as him bouncing the first pitch. I guess he's apparently good at picking out the winner of the NCAA basketball tournament, but terrible at Americas' favorite pastime. Growing up, there was little doubt that I would have been the subject of many a swirly or lost my lunch most days of the week if I had thrown like Obama did last week to Albert Pujols, but hey; in this day in age in the government we live in, what does it matter who votes for what, or who throws like a girl wearing his mommies jeans. While I'm not an expert on fashion, as I'm a jeans and a t-shirt kind of guy, I wonder at the audacity of some "news" agency making his choice of clothing to be a major item. Why wasn't the author wondering why he had time for a ballgame when the Democrats were rushing a Trillion dollar bill to his desk before the August recess? Why wasn't there any clamoring over his nose-dive in the public polls? Apparently the public seems more in-tune with something so trivial, and not with major issues. Hey America, they're just jeans!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Y'Obama health care! WTF!?

So the more I read about this unitied health care package, ABC health care , the more I realize we're going towards the state of mind of a solicalized country. I pay my taxes, I play by the rules, and yet I still get hosed by the government with every bill they pass. The stimilus bill? WTF!?!? I'm trying to start a small business and they are allotting 7.8 billion dollars for me that was supposed to be released starting last May. And have they? Simple answer, no. They're still busy printing the trillion dollar package. Maybe just before the next election they'll have enough money to buy a few more votes with tax dollars that I'll never be able to repay; ergo, our polictians can have a health plan that will be better funded and easier to access than someone that acutally pays their taxes and doesn't sit on their asses four months outta every year. As it sits now... a month till they take a "holiday" they're getting ready to vote on a bill that Obama is pushing down the senate's throat a bill that will take away from the American ecomony 16% of what was an american right of passage. Healthcare. With the government taking that much of a failing ecomony, they'll own; our banks, our automobile industry, our insurance companies, and (wow!) our healthcare? If I were a regilious man, I'd pray to God to never get sick, otherwise I'm better off in Mexico where I might just lose a kidney rather than my life. At least the beer is much cheaper!