Setting aside "substantial" money for
homeless people is a waste of money. Where will these cities and counties get the resources to fund these homeless camps and shelters? From tax dollars. The problem with having local governments support these people is all the legislation and bureaucracy that comes along with it. Most cities can't keep up with standard maintenance on their roads much less the people begging on each corner. Do all homeless people deserve to be homeless? No. Has some unfortunate event caused them this unfair situation? Sometimes. But giving these people a government handout to continue on the way they are, gives these people no reason to change. There is no carrot to aim for. It's only to go without, to really know that you don't want to be that way. People in jail respect freedom. Homeless people accustomed to being cared after will never want to change and be a contributing member of society, to maybe one day BE the person paying property taxes. Only then will that person understand what it means to support someone who is essentially a parasite. I don't mean for that to be a derogatory term, only a succinct one. Homeless people prey on the goodwill of others, tug at their heartstrings, seek sympathy. This is why you'll see plenty of wheelchairs and pets in your larger cities. It saddens me to see them but at the same time, there are also scammers who pose as the homeless because it's easier than a real job and it's tax free. (Google shows 669 stories matching "homeless scams") Cities should be aware of their homeless rate. They should care. They should do what they can to address the situation but they should not feel forced to promote it with such things as tent cities and other sponsored endorsements. It's time to let people be people and live their own lives, not have Big Brother take care of them.
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