So the more I read, and react to this class, the more political I've started to feel. My parents are hardcore conservatives. When I mean hardcore, my father calls his senator weekly, and they send me e-mail links with interesting movements that the government is either trying to push through to a vote, or things our government has done in the past. So when they decided to come up to Austin from their house in Columbus to listen to our
Senator Lloyd Doggett speak about health care reform, I thought it best to hear what he has to say. I was told that this was a probably about the health care reform, and went with an open mind. I personally think that the government will opt to kill the weak and sick given the option of paying money to extend life, but I'm open to the opinions of our elected officials.
I get to the rally at 11:05, five minutes later than it should have started. As I walk up to our capital I start hearing the chants of about three hundred people, still too distance, we walk closer to where the speech is going to be held. Pro-rally? LOL! There were 4 people there that were pro-rallyers, and the rest were against the healthcare reform. So as I'm sitting there looking around at all these people that care enough to come to this speech, right in the middle of the day, during church service, chanting and expressing their beliefs in this bill nowhere in sight is our Senator... 11:30 rolls around, thinking that he's a busy man, and has a lot on plate, I continue to wait. At this point I'm sitting in the shade due to the 95 degree weather. The more I sit there, the more disappointed I am in our elected official. I hear the word coward thrown around with his name attached to it more than I wanted to count. And for all purposes, I can't disagree. Rather than be unfavorable with his views on a bill that will impact us all, our Senator Lloyd Doggett decided to not show up. It seems that he's not too popular these days with the voters
Keep it classy Doggett, show up regardless of the